Childhood Stories - The Christmas Adventure
See The 12 Bear Cubs: So this was a...
Childhood Stories - The 12 Bear Cubs
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.(1)This is the most iconic one I have. At least to me. This is just an introductory book to a family of bears with 12 kids altogether, as...
Short Story - It Was All Just a Dream
And so we have arrived at the final short story I wrote in my creative writing class. I'd had a concept idea for a while called...
Short Story - The Chronosians, Pt.2
After years of The Time Balancers Saga stewing in the back of my mind, my vision of the Time Balancers became a group of individuals who...
Short Story - The Chronosians, Pt. 1
During my series of blog posts about old writing prompts that I did, I talked about one that talked about time paradoxes, and how I was...
Short Story - Fantasy - The Emerald of Secrets, Pt. 5
We've finally made it to the short story I actually turned in. Like I said in the last post, I had to revamp my entire short story in two...
Short Story - Fantasy - The Emerald of Secrets, Pt. 4
Now, we have finally gotten to my creative writing class, senior year of high school. We had to write a fantasy story, so I decided to...
Short Story - Fantasy - The Emerald of Secrets, Pt. 3
This one is gonna be really quick. At some point in what I believe was my freshman year in high school, I tried writing The Emerald of...
Short Story - Fantasy - The Emerald of Secrets, Pt. 2
Years after I wrote "Natalie the Necklace Fairy," I tried to adapt it into a story separate from the Rainbow Magic series. I read through...
Short Story - Fantasy - The Emerald of Secrets, Pt. 1
This is going to be a long story. This eventually did evolve into a fantasy short story that I wrote for my creative writing class, but...
Short Story - Eternity/Blackness, Pt. 2
Yesterday I talked about my short story in script format that I wrote for my theatre class, and today I'm talking about how that became...
Short Story - Eternity/Blackness, Pt. 1
This next short story was my Fall semester final for my creative writing class and, like The Others, started as a script that I wrote for...
Short Story - Horror
This next short story that I wrote in my creative writing class was based on an idea I'd previously had called "The Trail." I didn't...
Short Story - Romance - SOTL
The next short story I wrote in my creative writing class was supposed to be a romance. I didn't really have it in me to come up with a...
Short Story - The Hero's Journey - The Others, Pt. 2
In yesterday's post, I mentioned how my script for The Others that I turned in for my theatre course was then expanded upon in my...
Short Story - Hero's Journey - The Others, Pt. 1
In my senior year of high school, I took a creative writing class, which I used to work out some ideas I had for stories that either were...
Character Building for TSP
I have an ensemble cast of characters in The Secret Portal. I'd gotten comments before that it was hard to keep track of all of them, and...
The Terrible Concepts of TSP Draft Two
Draft Two Book One: Draft Two...
Becoming School of the Legends
(see previous SOTL blogs) The rest of the story I will have to be vague just so I can avoid spoilers. In high school, I managed to smooth...
Revising M.A.G.I.C.: Foundation of School of the Legends
(see previous SOTL blog posts) I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to do this, but I decided to essentially change everybody's name...