The Terrible Concepts of TSP Draft Two
Updated: Feb 14, 2023
Draft Two Book One:
Draft Two Book Two:
Draft Two Book Three:
Draft Two Book Four:
I mentioned in my posts on Draft Two that I had plans for a giant series with very flimsy concepts. Here are those concepts.
(There are twenty of these things, but I already went over the first four.)
Books five was called "How's the Weather?" and was narrated by Lucy Karry. Another sorcerer causes everyone to lose control of their powers, so Lucy's ability to control the weather wreaks chaos.
Book six was called "Stretch or Shrink?" and was narrated by Kat Robinson. This book would introduce four new characters: Laura Pendleton, Tabbi Stevenson, Trixie Anderson, and Cindy Cellers. Another sorcerer shrinks everyone down to 2 inches, kidnaps Kat and Tabbi, and then drops everyone else off in a big forest.
Book seven was called "Fly to a New Body" and was narrated by Laura Pendleton, who based on the title clearly had the ability to fly. I introduced three new characters: Andrea Armstrong, Stephanie Carson, and David and Reina Thomas. The entire cast comes across a machine that causes everyone to switch bodies, and Laura is swapped into Nellie's.
Book eight was called "Stunning Mix" and was narrated by Trixie Anderson, who based on the title could stun people. I introduce two new characters: Jasmine Kendall and Rachel Anders. The gimmick of this one is that two people fuse into one body. Trixie and Kat fuse together making "Trixkat" which sounds like a chocolate bar.
Book nine was called "Shape Shifting," so I'm assuming that narrator Tabbi Stevenson could shapeshift. I introduce two new characters: Isabel Newman and Matt Thomas. A sorcerer turns everyone into an animal--Tabbi specifically was a tabby cat, which was very creative on my part. (I never wrote this, but if Maddie, who could morph into animals already, should have been turned into a lamp.... Leave a comment if you get that reference.)
Book ten was "Drowning from Loneliness" which is such a depressing title. It was narrated by Cindy Cellers, who could control water. Anyways, they go through the portal, and find the entire world on the other side deserted. They have the brilliant idea to split up, and Cindy gets lost.
Book eleven is called "Fairy Tale Invasion" and was narrated by Andrea Armstrong, who I believe had the ability to take characters out of books, which is an epic power, but here she apparently accidentally lets out a bunch of fairy tale villains, and they just start destroying everything.
Book twelve is called "Charming," where Stephanie Carson, who had mind control powers, accidentally makes all of the boys to fall in love with her (not the grown men, thank the Lord). I introduced Jason Karry in this book, but who cares? This sounds like het nonsense to me.
Book thirteen was "It's About Time" narrated by Jasmine Kendell, so guess what her powers were? I added the characters Heather Collins, Amanda Hunter, Fiona Sparks, Dorothy Jackson, and Annie Kendell. Jasmine accidentally sends everyone to the future, and then a sorcerer puts a spell on her, preventing her from using her powers.
Book fourteen is "Hidden in the Shadows" and was narrated by Rachel Anders, who I believe could travel through the shadows. Someone, I assume a sorcerer, puts a spell on her, and now she can't control her powers.
Book fifteen is "Teleki-knee-sis" which is the funniest title ever. Heather Collins, who clearly had telekinesis, breaks her knee, and she can't go through the portal "for whatever magical reason." Her friends visit her every day, until one day, they stop. Apparently, an evil sorcerer is hiding in her room.
Book sixteen is "Wish Upon a Star" and apparently is narrated by a character called Kitty Johnson, who I know had the ability to grant wishes, but I have no idea when I introduced her. Anyways, she's turned into a genie by a sorcerer and banished to a lamp, and a random girl who has terrible wishes begins to use her.
Book seventeen is "Invisible Memory," narrated by Amanda Hunter, who has invisibility and experienced amnesia this book.
Book eighteen is "Sink or Float" and is narrated by another character that I don't know where she came from: Erin Stuart, who could breathe underwater, I don't know. Anyways, everyone gets turned into merpeople, and they go on a trek through the ocean to find a Sea Queen to turn them back to normal.
Book nineteen is "Out of Nowhere," narrated by Dorothy Jackson, and I think she had the ability to make things appear from thin air. Anyways, this book is an alien invasion.
And finally, book twenty is called "Fire Loop." It's narrated by Fiona Sparks, who could breathe fire. And it's a time loop.
Thank the Lord that's over.
Anyways, I don't think how these could have been stretched out into anything. With one first-person narrator, I don't think some of these would work, such as "It's About Time." Additionally, one gimmick cannot make a story. These sound so boring, the titles are terrible, and the characters all have the most generic names ever. Some of them were evolved into other characters that still exist (Andrea Armstrong became Gwen Amante, Heather Collins became Noelle Bishop, etc.) and others I just took the name and made them a background character, like Laura Pendleton.
Anyways, I'm glad I got writer's block when writing "Forced Out of the Field." Otherwise, I would have had to dedicate a blog post to each of these.
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Or a broken record lol 😂 love the TT reference XD